GoogleContactSync or how bundle Gmail contacts with Apple Address Book
Subject: how to bundle Gmail contacts with Apple Address Book using GoogleContactSync
Open up ~/Library/Preferences/ Then, expand the tree to reveal "Family ID." Change that value to 10001.
Save your changes. Launch Address Book and open the Preference pane. The Google contact sync option will be staring right at you.
Register the sync client. Open a terminal and type the following:
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GoogleContactSync.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/gconsync --register 1
Open TextEdit and switch to plain text, add the following to the contents of the file and save it under /Users/<Your User Name>/Library/Preferences/ :
{user = "<your gmail email address>";}
Add a password item to your keychain with the following values:
Keychain Item Name: GoogleContactSyncService
Account Name: <your gmail email address>
Password: <your gmail password>
You can run it immediately or manually with Syncrospector which is contained within your leopard developer tools.
You may need to reboot for this to take effect.
NOTE!!! You do not need any iPod, iPhone to sync your contacts between Apple Address Book and Google Gmail contacts. You can use any cell phone (mobile phone) to sync via iSync with Gmail contacts. I use Nokia 6300. To share contacts between Nokia 6300 contacts and Google Gmail contacts you need:
Do all staff above
Connect Nokia 6300 via Bluetooth and run iSync.
P.S.: To use Nokia 6300 with MacOSX you need to install special plugin from link
©2009 Rosmir - Stepan A. Baranov
$Id: googlecontactsync.html 416 2009-01-07 05:04:39Z rosmir $